UrbanMech, Arctic Cheetah and Ebon Jaguar Patterns 50% off!

by Matt Newman in [ Announcements ] on, Sep 19, 2015 10:00 PM UTC 10  comments
Greetings MechWarriors!

UrbanMech, Arctic Cheetah, and Ebon Jaguar Patterns are 50% off! Until Sept 22nd 10:00 am PDT

The Arctic Cheetah and Ebon Jaguar have Full camo support. However the UrbanMech has Block Camo, Polygon Camo and  IS Faction Patterns only.


Permanent Patterns

MC Price

Dazzle, Urban Block, Woodland, Tiger, Mountain Line,Vagabond, Digital, Fractal, Sherman, Virus, Raider, Snowfall,Crusader

750 - 50% = 375 MC

Phranken, Buccaneer, Cobra, Tartan, Applejack, Hot Rod, Polygon, Clan Ghost Bear, Clan Wolf, Clan Jade Falcon, and Clan Smoke Jaguar (I.S. Faction Patterns)

1250 - 50% = 625 MC